First Visit
Your first visit has to begin with a comprehensive dental examination. Unless there is some immediate concern or urgency the first visit will involve a thorough dental investigation. The comprehensive examination provides a base for future comparisons, and forms the basis for a lifetime master plan for oral health.
The following will be done during initial evaluation by the dentist:
- Review medical and dental history
- Clarify concerns, wants and expectations and / or problems
- Oral dental examination
- Examine teeth decay, cracks, wear, etc.
- Evaluate aesthetics and conditions of teeth and gums (for diagnosis) though photographs
- Take x-rays, as needed
- Measure all gum crevices to check for hidden gum diseases. Gum disease takes two forms: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis occurs when bacteria collect in tiny pockets at the gum line, causing inflammation. If gingivitis goes untreated, the inflammation can invade connective tissue and even bone. This causes periodontitis,Symptoms of periodontitis include receding gums, visible pockets of inflammation along the gum line, and gum pain, as also unusual sensitivity to temperature changes, leading even the healthiest teeth to become loose, and eventually to even fall out; and
- Inspect conditions of gum tissues for the quality of gum disease, quantity (number) of pockets, inflammation and recession levels
After Examination: Dentist will
- Review all findings
- Discuss recommendations, treatments, and sequence of treatments
- Discuss fees for different types of treatment separately
- Answer all questions to the satisfaction and understanding of the patient
If the condition of warrants further evaluation the following will also be done:
- Prepare diagnostic study casts (models of your mouth), if needed
- Evaluate and study all the above information
- Consult with any specialists, if required
- Make a corespecific diagnosis of the current condition
- Design a blueprint for the requisite dental care, with the requisite diagnostic casts
- Develop a customized long-term treatment program in order of its distinct sequences